Malmö, Sweden: Identifying opportunities for Sommarscen Malmö tenth anniversary. Nov '14.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Mapping communication needs for Denmark's Health Portal. Nov '14.
Køge, Denmark: Generating Ideas for Multimedia Design Students. Nov '14.
Cambridge, UK: Mapping Negotiations: Visualizing, Pinpointing and Solving Disputes for Entertainment Master Class. Nov '14.
Copenhagen, Denmark: What happens when artists start thinking like designers? Nov '14.
Amsterdam, Holland: Bringing visualisation and mapping to script editors - 5th time at SOURCES2. Nov '14.
Copenhagen, Denmark: How to bridge the gap between strategy and content when developing cultural brands. Oct '14.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Designing fun with sheep, vikings, Gods, Frankensteins, scouts, dragons but no pandas. Oct '14.
London, UK: running Think Tank designed to help funders find models that stay relevant as media and audiences evolve. Oct '14
London, UK: Pitch training lab participants for Pixel Market. Oct '14
Göteborg, Sweden: Revealing to film makers the place between the pen and the spoken word. Oct '14.
Erfurt, Germany: Back 'home' running a workshop for Germany's leading children's media academy. Oct '14
Malmö, Sweden: 3 days mapping business models for SWIM LAB projects. Sept '14.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Digging into the detail with Danish-Chinese start-up. Sept '14.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Pitch training for the third time for the Nordic's brightest's stars. Sept '14.
Selling the bleeding obvious - the first two years.
Tonbach, Germany: 3rd time back to work on Power to the Pixel's 'Pixel Lab'. July '14.
Fårö, Gotland, Sweden: Working on a small island with Pure Fiction. June '14.
La Rochelle, France: Out in the open market with Sunny Side of the Doc. June '14
Copenhagen, Denmark: Magic Hour Films records session with view on investment. June '14.